Changes in Economic Trends

Construction Equipment Sales Business

Changes in Economic Trends

The Situation

  • Management consultant hired Lucrum to investigate financials after struggling to identify where cash was being spent given the relatively healthy profit margins of the business.
  • Business owner was distracted and not actively managing business; did not account for changes in trends and economies nor did he adjust his lifestyle to accommodate reduced disposable income.

The Solution

  • Analyzed 3 years of financials to identify discretionary expenditures paid using company funds.
  • Identified both personal/luxury spending as well as frivolous/wasteful spending on behalf of company.

The Results

  • Management consultant used this information to help client restructure business, successfully preserving significant portion of the client's net worth.
  • Worked with banks to restructure loans and refinance various debts to maintain healthy cash flow while accelerating payoff dates.

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