The Culture
at Lucrum

A Great Place to Work

At Lucrum, our management style and corporate culture allow us to be flexible, adaptable, and most importantly responsive to our clients’ needs. We take great pride and a sense of accomplishment when we save our clients money by improving the quality of their time and information. Learn more about Our Team and the Fun Stuff we do here.


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Exceed Expectations


Commit & Execute


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Stronger Together

The Team

Lucrum Staff

Lucrum Culture

Working at Lucrum Consulting

Recent Articles
COGS Includes Repairs

Expenses That Can Be Included In COGS (That Might Surprise You)

Some Cost of Goods Sold (“COGS”) expenditures are obvious (eg. raw materials or subcontractors working on a customer’s job), while others that …

business personal property tax audit

How To Be Prepared For A Business Personal Property Tax Audit: Tips From Bookkeepers & CFOs

By: Jeff Heybruck As a fractional CFO and bookkeeping firm, we’ve gone through our fair share of business personal property audits with …

Business Finance Strategy Questions

Business Finance Strategy Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

In this installment of our frequently asked questions, we demystify questions our CFOs get on the regular about business strategy and business …