Bookkeeping Best Practices


Bookkeeping Best Practices

The Situation

  • Originally hired to help train and supervise client bookkeeper. Discovered bookkeeper was not following basic accounting practices and leaving client open to theft.
  • Found that while sales were being recorded, cash and checks were not being deposited; over $4,000 of cash and endorsed checks sitting in petty cash box.

The Solution

  • Immediately recommended client replace under-performing employee, created job ad and screened candidates prior to interviews.
  • Streamlined accounting processes, improved both sales and collections, and created standard reporting package that new office manager was able to independently produce monthly.

The Results

  • Within 6 months of hire date Lucrum & new office manager had identified $10,000 in annual expense reductions.
  • Converted a position from a burden and potential theft risk into a value-adding role who actively participated in day-to-day operations and management.

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