Showing Gratitude in the Office & Why It’s Important

Showing Gratitude in the Office & Why It’s Important

It’s the time of year where a lot of people think about what’s important to them and how thankful they are for the people in their lives. At Lucrum Consulting, we are grateful for our family, friends and people around us who impact us every day. Often, we spend more time with our clients and coworkers than anyone else. That’s why we’ve compiled some helpful tips on making our employees and colleagues feel appreciated during the holiday season.

Treat the Team to Lunch

It’s one of the easiest ways to show gratitude. Taking time out of the day to leave work behind and express interest in your team personally can go a long way toward strengthening morale. Often, employees eat at their desks while working. So extending a simple lunch invite can make them feel appreciated and valued. Even set things like anniversary or birthday lunches are a nice treat. Lucrum has one lunch for anyone celebrating a birthday that month and lets the employee or employees who have the birthday pick the restaurant.

Leave a Personal Note

Notes seem to be a forgotten means of communication in today’s digital age. Walking into work with a note congratulating them on their successes, or a job well done can give someone a great boost during the end-of-the-year rush to complete projects before taking vacation.

Say Thank You During a Meeting

Words matter. During the next team meeting, express gratitude for each employee’s work and contributions to the success of the company as a whole. It is a simple concept – yet it is a powerful one. People like to hear that they are doing a good job and recognizing them in front of others is an effective form of praise.

Thoughtful Gifts

Know a coworker or employee’s favorite restaurant or coffee shop? Purchase a small gift card to convey an interest in them personally. A stressful time of year can feel more manageable knowing the people at work pay attention to personal details. Making others feel recognized can have a huge impact on the company’s motivation and productivity levels as well.

Why it’s Important

Employees who feel valued have a higher level of loyalty to their company, and that goes hand-in-hand with retention. Members who are passionate about their work are more interested in helping their company achieve goals. Top performers in most organizations feel like a valuable part of their teams. In the end, this keeps them in an organization and impacts the bottom line. Making gratitude part of the company’s culture can make a good team a great team.

At Lucrum Consulting, we would like to pause and simply say thank you to our clients, team members and the people who we are so fortunate to have the opportunity to work with on a daily basis. The time we spend with you makes our lives better, and the work we do with you is our passion. But it isn’t the work we are passionate about. Yes, we enjoy WHAT we do, but it isn’t the same without WHO we get to do it with.

We are grateful.

Happy holidays from the Lucrum team.

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