Tetiana Bila

Accounting Assistant

Tetiana earned a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business from the Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Dnipro, Ukraine. After studying Tetiana performed various administrative, customer service, bookkeeping, coordination, planning and office management functions. For five years she worked for the leader of the world sunflower oil market and the largest producer and exporter of grains in Ukraine, where she got bookkeeping and accounting experience. Upon arriving in the United States, Tetiana joined the Lucrum team to further her bookkeeping and accounting career.

A native of Ukraine, Tetiana relocated to Charlotte area with her two cats, Tessa and Leo. She enjoys outdoor activities, food, traveling and learning different cultures and traditions, also watching different movies and series from different countries. She recently bought her first car and is practicing her driving with a goal of taking her first road trip on an American interstate.

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