Saxby Morehead

CFO/Business Advisor

Saxby joins Lucrum Consulting as a CFO/Business Advisor with eight years of accounting and financial management experience. He brings a strong background in technical accounting and financial planning and analysis. Following his graduation from Appalachian State University with a master's degree in accounting, Saxby started his career as an auditor with PwC before joining Wells Fargo's asset management division, where he focused on process improvements and internal controls. In his most recent role as Senior Consolidation Accountant for Elior North America, Saxby had financial reporting responsibility for their North American operations.

A native Charlottean, Saxby enjoys traveling, snow skiing, and spending time at the U.S. National Whitewater Center with his girlfriend and his dog. Colorado is a favorite destination for outdoor activities, and he hopes someday to go skiing in Japan.

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