Aaron and Trent

Morale Ambassadors

Aaron and Trent Heybruck

Aaron & Trent are by far the most inexperienced but popular members of the Lucrum team. They have no accounting skills or work experience other than shredding paper. They get paid in trail mix, Peanut M&M’s, and sodas when Dad isn’t looking but always improve morale when they decide to make an office visit. Be it Slinky or Rubix cube demonstrations, putting for distance competitions, or a “guess what I drew” contest, work slows down but everyone has a smile.

Recent Articles
Can Fractional CFO's and Bookkeepers be at the same vendor?

Should I Use The Same Company for CFO and Bookkeeping Services or Keep Them Separate?

by Lucrum Staff Is your company considering outsourcing fractional CFO and bookkeeping services to two different companies? Using a single provider for …

Fractional CFO vs Interim CFO vs Part-Time CFO

Do I Need a Fractional CFO, Interim CFO or Part-Time CFO? What’s the Difference?

by: Lucrum Staff As a business scales, it reaches a point where more financial expertise is needed than existing resources can provide. …

Tempering Sales Optimism With Reality

When To Politely Turn Down A New Business Opportunity

By: Jeff Heybruck New business opportunities are, for good reason, exciting. But wise business leaders are able to take off the rose-colored …